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Year 4 Classes

Welcome to Year 4


Mrs Antoncini, Mrs Kumar and Mrs Aquilina are ready to guide the Year 4 Buzzards through another exciting year at Swingate. We are motivated, ambitious learners, always trying our best. You will find us ready to battle in TT Rockstars, showing responsibility towards our own learning by practicing our times tables inside and outside of school. We are working hard to become fluent in our four operations, mastering our arithmetic skills. Buzzards take great pride in their learning and are doing their very best to showcase their handwriting to earn a pen licence.



Miss Sahota and Mrs Crowhurst are here to lead the kettle of Falcons of Year 4. We are keen and competitive learners who cannot wait to stretch our times table knowledge up to 12x12. We count, we sing, we battle on TT Rockstars and we like to show everyone how amazing we are. In Falcons, we love finding out what our next class read will be as well as choosing our own books to read. We cannot wait to get our pen licences so we are working hard to practise forming our letters correctly and joining them beautifully. Falcons can't wait to see what Year 4 has in store for them!

