Covid Catch Up
COVID-19 Catch-Up Funding Plan 2021-22
As part of the Government’s drive to support schools in catching up learning, a one-off universal premium has been provided. This academic year we have received the final payment of £20,900. In addition, £ 8,117 was rolled over from the previous academic year providing a total of £29, 017 to fund catch up interventions this year.
The Government has not specified how this is to be spent, instead leaving schools with the decision for where/when/how to spend the money. The DfE does recommend small group, 1-2-1 tuition and extra teaching capacity.
The school’s priority is to ensure all children achieve their targets and that gaps in learning due to school closures or illness are quickly identified and addressed.
In line with advice from education advisers and research showing effective use of funding, the school has focused on:
- Using assessment to identify pupils needing for extra support and specific objectives that need to taught to address gaps in learning.
- Time limited interventions that run termly for 6-7 weeks. Impact is monitored mid-term and evaluated at the end of each term to ensure effectiveness.
Qualified teachers or HLTAs provide high quality interventions. Resources from PIXL interventions are used to ensure teaching is focused on specific skills and knowledge and children are confident to be able to apply these in a range of different contexts. - Where support is deployed in class, HLTAs are used to reinforce learning and provide immediate feedback to specific pupils.
The Senior Leadership Team works closely with teachers to identify the focus of interventions and which pupils need extra support. This is done termly, using school data. Specific learning targets are identified for each child providing an effective way to measure impact and ensure funding is being used efficiently.