The School will:
· give attendance and punctuality a high priority;
· provide and promote a welcoming and positive atmosphere so that children feel safe, and know that their presence is valued;
· raise awareness of the importance of full attendance and punctuality, using newsletters and other communications to parents;
· encourage parents to fully support the policy as a vital contribution towards their child’s education;
· encourage children to have a positive attitude towards attendance and punctuality so that they can retain this into adult life;
· ensure that attendance is effectively monitored, using a computer-based registration system, and absences are followed up promptly;
· communicate effectively with other agencies (Traveller Education, Health, Social Services etc);
· meet the legal requirements with particular reference to authorised and unauthorised absence;
· ensure that all staff comply with the school policy and deal consistently with absence and punctuality;
· ensure information is available for Governors and parents;
· ensure good liaison where a change of school occurs;
· develop incentives for good attendance and punctuality;
· share good practice with other schools;
· have procedures in place to help children settle in after a long absence;
· identify pupils at risk of poor attendance and work with the pupil and their parents to understand and address the reasons for their absence, including any in-school barriers. If out of school barriers have been identified, referrals will be made for additional support, but school will continue to support both the pupil and parents and liaise with any outside agencies involved.
We expect the parent to:
· provide up-to-date contact numbers and changes of address;
· notify the school when their child is unable to attend, for a reason, on the first day of the absence;
· telephone the school after the first day of absence to advise the school if the absence is continuing;
· in cases of a lengthy absence due to medical reasons, work may be set for the child to complete at home:
· try and book any medical appointments around the school day. However, if this is not possible, then provide an appointment letter indicating attendance at the dentist, doctor or optician before the arranged appointment unless an emergency situation has arisen;
· ensure that their child arrives at school on time each day;
· let the school know if their child is going to be late, e.g. if a car breaks down; if an urgent appointment has been made;
· understand the importance of good attendance and punctuality and promote this with their child;
· If leave of absence is requested, it must be in advance.
Authorised and unauthorised absence
Absences can be authorised if they are for certain reasons e.g. sickness, absence following the death of a close member of the family, attendance at an interview or examination, participation in a regional or national sporting event, evidence should be provided.
An absence will be recorded as unauthorised if:
· a child is kept off school because a parent is ill;
· a child is absent because a sibling is ill;
· the parent cannot get the child to school;
· the child is taken on a shopping trip;
· the child is absent due to a birthday treat/family treat;
· the child refuses to come to school or wants to stay at home.
Unauthorised absences will be recorded on the annual report to parents.